B.F. Saul's website has posted a summary (PDF) of the feedback they heard from the community meeting held on November 17th.
It generally seems like a fairly detailed list, but I noticed they did gloss over a few points that people were trying to make. Just from the groups I was in, I noticed that their summary doesn't list some of the requests to improve accessibility of sidewalks (i.e. avoid having light poles, parking meters, etc. become obstacles in the sidewalk). They also don't really address the concerns that Chip Py (passionately!) spoke about regarding the rights of people in the town square to assemble, protest, take pictures, etc., without interference from security guards (i.e. the kind of issues that have been popping up in Silver Spring).
I was hoping that they would just scan in the sheets of paper used to write down everyone's suggestions rather than type up a summary. Since they have decided to go with a summary, they should have a process in place for people to comment on B.F. Saul's version of the community feedback. If you do feel that they have omitted or misrepresented something you heard at the meeting, I would recommend using their 'Contact Us' link on the website to voice your concerns.
Hello world!
4 years ago